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Anti-inflammatory Fruits

May 14, 20242 min read

The Anti-inflammatory Benefits of Fruits

Enjoying a variety of fruits by season!

One of the ways we can increase the number of fruits we eat as well as include some variety is to choose them according to the season. In the summer look for juicy stone fruits, like peaches, apricots and plums. As the air becomes crisp in the fall, persimmons and pomegranates are a great choice. Then in the winter, choose citrus fruits to increase your intake of Vitamin C! Once the days become warmer in the spring, cherries are a great option. A tasty treat for any season are berries, as they can be found frozen fresh in the grocery store. All of the varieties listed below have anti-inflammatory benefits! For more information check out the online guide from Harvard Medical School, Foods That Fight Inflammation.

Berries.  Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and cranberries! Add them to your yogurt, salads or simply eat them by the handful as a sweet treat!

Apples.  There are so many varieties to choose from and each offer a unique flavor and texture! In addition, they are a good source of fiber and water!

Stone fruits. (Fruits that have a pit or a "stone" in the center) such as cherries, peaches, apricots, and plums have many health benefits and may even satisfy your sweet tooth!

Citrus.  Adding lemons, limes and even grapefruit to your water is a nice refreshing addition, especially during the summer months!

Pomegranates.  This is a fruit that I would like to try! If you are a fan, please share what you love about them!

Grapes. Do you prefer white, red or black? I'm partial to red or black seedless grapes! Have you ever frozen them as a cold treat in the summertime? Yum!!

When we feel great and are free from pain, it's easier to show up as our best self! Living a Sprightly Life is all about treating our mind, body and soul well! Discovering foods that not only nourish us but taste great and we look forward to indulging in them. Not depriving us of what we love, but finding new ways to treat ourselves well! Be sure to sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of the page so that you can join us in spreading Sparkle, Joy, Love & Laughter to the world around us!




Melanie Vicker

Founder of The Sprightly Life

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