
Happy Moments

This photo makes me smile!! Such a simple moment in time when our granddaughter put this smiley frisbee in front of her face! The quote below is what brought this memory to my mind this morning.

“The small happy moments add up. A little bit of joy goes a long way.” Melissa McCarthy

We all feel how quickly time passes. We hear people talk about it each and every day! The key for me, is to be present and try to capture the moment. The feelings. Spending time with family and friends is so important! Not just time, but quality time. We can spend hours with someone and not really do or say anything of value. However, we can have just a few minutes with someone and really share what’s on our heart. To add value to their life and ours.

What can you do today to add value to someone’s life? Whether you have hours to spend or just a few minutes. Once you spend the time, internalize it and celebrate it! Remember, it’s the small happy moments that add up!

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